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July Newsletter

I have just a few hours (yes I started writing at 5am--- some things never change I guess lol) left here in Pécs. Please insert every cliché phrase that happens to feel so true, and at the same time completely inadequate as a descriptor for my feelings. Endings are always bittersweet. Time flies. I had the time of my life. I’m living happily ever after! Cat got your tongue? Oh wait, skip that last one ;) Eh, All’s well that ends well.

Over the last few weeks and months I’ve felt this moment pressing closer and closer in to me. My naturally self-reflective brain tends to go on hyper-drive when big changes approach. For example, “Did I accomplish all I set out to do? Did I push my comfort zones and grow as I’d hoped? Did I make an impact? Did I procrastinate and fail to execute my plans or creative ideas? Did I just waste this opportunities? Did I just straight up fail? Did I make meaningful relationships? Did I stay true to myself?”

While if I’m being honest, in moments I’ve found my mind traveling to extremely self-critical places, I’ve also been blessed with so many moments of grace where my heart fills up with utter joy and gratitude for my community and this wild experience.

These last few months have been filled with many celebrations with my community, and I’ve been really looking forward to sharing some photos from each of them. Back in April, I was showered with love over my birthday week and came home to a surprise party. I even got to start the fire we used to cook, and we ate roasted marshmallows! In May, with the help of my dear friend Dia, we threw Barbi a surprise “American style” baby shower. Complete with a diaper cake, chocolate chip cookies, pink lemonade and a group of the sweetest hearts you could find anywhere.

I also taught most of the girls the word "cancerous" as I prefer my mallows, real burnt.


The month of May marked the 150th anniversary of my church here in Pécs. The four-day weekend was filled with all kinds of activities that I really enjoyed taking part in. The Gospel choir I was a part of sang and I helped to organize the teen sports day with the help of my fellow YAGM and all around rock star, Michelle. It was total blasts to play soccer and volleyball again, as well as make a group of high schoolers try to eat cookies from their foreheads (no hands!) and shake ping pong balls out of a box using mostly hip gesticulation. Check it out!


I learned how to use the stone oven to make homemade pizza, so hit me up if you want to start a pizzeria!


Below are some of my favorite photos from the last few months with the kids at MIOK. Saying goodbye on Thursday left my heart full and so weepy in all the ways. I went to see the kids dance at a Roma cultural festival as well as a dance recital at their school, so many proud tears! I also was invited by a few of the kids to join on their end of year field trip to a local water park. No Hungarian water park goes without at least three saunas, needless to say I thoroughly enjoyed myself.


I will miss their smiles, their laughs and hugs, their craziness and silliness, their sass and strength, their selfie taking skills.. this sentence could run-on for ages.


Yesterday, my friend Annamaria, invited me to her house in Boly to learn how to make stuffed cabbage (töltött káposzta) with her and her family. This was something we had been planning for months, and I’m so grateful we were able to fit the day into our busy schedules. I helped her in her garden and around their late grandfather’s home. They’ve been remodeling for the last year and will soon move i!. They beamed with pride and happiness showing me all of the ways their hard work has payed off. Again I’ll be honest and say that this last week has been a crazy one; running from place to place and always trying to squeeze “a few days out of tomorrow” as my mom says. But as soon as we got to their home, a sense of calm came over me as we enjoyed the slow moments with one another. We took care. We took our time, and I felt at home with them as we prepared the meal and helped one another. Along with so many others from this year, it’s a day I wont soon forget.


This weekend I've had the chance to explore Pécs with a sense of childlike wonder with some of my favorite people. The historic buildings, including my church, have been a part of the Fény Festival light show, that's been absolutely breathtaking.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all of you that have supported me this year. It wouldn't have been the same without you. Right now I feel at peace, though I'm grieving the "ending" of this magnificent chapter. I'm overwhelmed, grateful and in awe of this crazy adventure. For all the homes and hearts that have taken me in, and for all the places my feet have taken me, I give thanks. I'm so excited to see what life has in store, in truth so much of my future seems like an open canvas, and I can't wait to throw paint all over it.

(and yes those are pictures of us eating roasted marshmallows with bacon 😄)

Cheers to the journey

May peace and joy be with you always

May you laugh with the universe in the face of trials

May you dance and sing

Get outside

Stay up way to late

Or maybe wake up way to early

May you take a deep breath and relax in to visions of sunsets and rises

May you learn to flow with the waves and crashing seas

May you feel Love, know Truth and offer compassion to all beings

With all my love,

Kayla Rose Taylor

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