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November YAGM Newsletter

Hello everyone! First off can I say holy crap its already November! To start I want to say how thankful I am for your support and prayers. Having such a wonderful community at home has made such a difference as I settle in here. I feel a massive weight to portray my experiences thus far in a way that shows how wonderful, challenging and breathtaking everything has all been. So much has already happened, so much has moved and flowed through me, yet its felt like only a few days have passed. I’m learning lessons about the importance of presence in tangible ways, while also working towards holding moments loosely as I mentioned in my first newsletter. So here goes my attempt at portraying a bit of my experiences thus far! Please feel free to reach out with any thoughts, words of encouragement or questions. It means so much for you to take the time to read and stay in touch.

My community here in Pécs has embraced me with excitement and love in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I live at the Lutheran Church here with three students that attend the local university. My host church has three pastors who serve as my mentors, but have also become dear friends. Pastor Zolton is married with four children, two cats and he also has an inspiring passion for music. His oldest son, who recently turned ten, plays on a soccer team in town. I had a blast watching one of his games with Zolt, and playing soccer with them in the backyard. I have had lots of fun exploring around Pécs with Pastors Patrik and Barbara. They have gone above and beyond to ensure I feel at home, cared for, connected and challenged in all the best ways.

The church community here is vibrant and active. I have really enjoyed all the ways I’ve been able to get involved with activities here. I have joined the local Gospel Choir that rehearses at the church every Monday. The choir is diverse in age and has such a positive and uplifting energy. We are singing songs, mostly in English, from around the world. Lively spirituals, musicals, Michael Jackson, the Blues Brothers, and my favorite "The Seal Lullaby". We will be having a concert in December I’m greatly looking forward to. In the mean time I’m enjoying and so thankful for the opportunity to be singing in a choir again!

Barbara and I have started an international, English speaking youth group for students at the University of Pécs, which has become one of my favorite activities each week. We meet each Thursday, for discussion, games and prayer. A few weeks ago we hosted an international banquet, where we shared food, music and stories from our homes around the world. This month we will be planning an English-speaking worship service here at the church, and I’m so excited to see how we can bring our unique faith traditions and spiritualties together for this event.

Throughout the last two months I have enjoyed traveling to local towns with the pastors to visit schools, an elderly home and partner churches. The Szereti Haz or House of Love, is the elderly home my church serves and manages. The residents there recently finished a creative drawing project in celebration of the 500-year reformation of the Lutheran church. The art exhibit was unveiled here in Pécs and will travel around Hungary throughout the year. It was so heart warming to see the pride and joy of the men and women whose artwork is now on display. Beginning this week, I will join at the Szereti Haz for arts and crafts, which is right up my alley! The church also manages a preschool in Pécs that I spend time at each week teaching English lessons. More accurately I run around, dance and sing with adorable children. It’s been great!

A few weeks ago I traveled with Barbara and Patrik to Lake Balaton, one of the largest fresh water lakes in the world! One of the bands Patrik is a part of was invited to play at Lutherfest, an annual celebration of traditional foods, locally brewed beer and the Lutheran community of Hungary. A few of my fellow YAGMs were able to attend as well, so of course we had a blast reconnecting, relaxing and dancing to the bands.


Four days out of the week I get to spend at the afterschool program. Honestly, I feel so lucky to be able to get to hang out with these kids. They have been such a light in my life; their smiles, hugs and laughter make my difficult days seem worthwhile and meaningful, and my great days even greater. We’ve been spending lots of time drawing, playing games and learning. Last week we celebrated Halloween in typical American style by carving pumpkins, eating sweets and walking through a haunted house my coworkers put together! Once a month a local hip-hop teacher comes to offer a class for the kids, and I had a blast joining in a few weeks back.

While I have felt myself challenged by thoughts of not “doing enough” or “making a difference” due to language barriers, I think that’s where my training as a YAGM shines. In moments of doubt, I remind myself that my purpose here is to accompany my community, to learn from them, and to explore new ways of showing love without a shared verbal language. I’ve come to realize that all of those things center around my ability to be present, to let go of thoughts of needing to do things differently, thoughts of not being enough, and to simply embrace each moment for the gift it truly is.


I’m both humbled and incredibly grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given to live and serve in Central Europe, and without your love and support this wouldn’t be possible. All my thanks to you.

Each day I pray:

May you and all beings everywhere:

Be healthy and feel vitality

May our minds be still and filled with gratitude

May our hearts be filled with light and love

May peace and serenity carry us in to each moment

May we see the Truth

May our spirits dance

And may we be free from suffering


Kayla Rose Taylor

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